Monday, 29 December 2008

In shocking news.

Scouser here. Hi everyone.

I got a text message from the girlfriend.


That just made me insanely happy. She admits it. Liverpool FC is the best club in the world.

Liverpool fans, let it rip!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Mouth is alive, with juices like wine, and I'm hungry like the wolf!

Hello world, Skizzy the awesome Scouser here.

I've decided to take it upon myself to update this.

Woman aka Miss TTG will no longer be updating this little blog of hers, which means you will see more of the green fonts because I will be doing the honours of giving you little updates of her life. In a non-invasive way.

Girlfriend went to prom and looked awesomely pretty in make-up, which made us extremely proud because she's embracing the girly side of her. Please advise her against cutting her hair, tell her she looks nothing like Elen Rives with that hair (May, I am shooting daggers at you).

A few days after the prom, girlfriend went to play football with kids half her age. Along the way, she got cuts and bruises on her elbow, thigh, knee and left big toe. We simply cannot understand how is it a person can be all girly and dolled up one day and the next be all boyish and getting bruises all over the place. The mind baffles us.

On the weekends, girlfriend went for two birthday parties and met up with good old family friends who were slightly keen on her relationship status or what are the boys in her university like. "Rich, spoilt brats. Not my type", she claims. She was half-tempted to ask them "Are you going to set me up with a nice boy then?". On Saturday's function she wore a black Punjabi suit top, a pair of jeans and finally, a pair of Converse sneakers. A mix of the traditional and the modern. Classy.

She loves making fun of herself because that's how you live, love and learn.

On Sunday, she got into a conflict with her parents about a glass of wine in her hand. One highly encouraging, the other highly discouraging.
"Babe, if I drink, I'm screwed. If I don't drink, I'm screwed. What do I do?"
"Half-drink it, no harm done"

Uh, excuse me...stop stealing my lines. I came up with those quotes way before you did. I will sue your ass for plagiarism.

She was also asked if someone could buy her another drink. If he weren't drunk, she'd be totally convinced he was trying to hit on her. She also received a massive superego boost when another family friend claimed she is mature for her age and knows how to handle herself well.

What was that noise? Oh, that was me, rolling on the floor and laughing my butt off.

She is also a lousy liar. Someone asked if it was her first time drinking and she smiled sheepishly and laughed and nodded.
"Whiskey. Rum. Wine. Vodka. Did I leave anything out, liar?"

She wants to wish all of you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND SEASON'S GREETINGS.

Lots of love and kisses,
Skizzy the awesome Liverpool fan.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Here are my terms, have some faith in me.

How ironic is it that this is my 500th post and I'm telling you that this is goodbye?


It's been fun over the years...but it's time to move on. For real.

I won't be updating here anymore because I've just fallen out of love with this thing. After four years, you kind of fall out of love with the things you used to love and hold so dear. What you used to think was exciting when you were a kid may not excite you now. That's the truth.

It's been fun knowing you. If you feel like yelling at me, you know where you can direct your anger to.

If you want to show your love on the other hand, you STILL know where to find me. You have my addresses, you have my Friendster, Facebook, DCO and MySpace accounts. So stalk away. 

I will still keep this account, but I just won't update it.

This will make up for my AWOL status.

Because they are sempiternally my boys.

Because he deserves much love than what I give usually give him. I'm sorry for neglecting you, Crouchy.

Because my 'irritating sidekick' doesn't know how to take wonderful pictures of me. This is an exercise in vanity.

Because (magic) rainbows make me happy.

Because their music and antics kept me going when I was down.

Because YOU were my birthday wish come true and YOU are fantastically THE SPECIAL ONE.

Because you are MY family now.

Because you have been my family outside home for five years and counting.

Because you are my drinking family and my other family outside home. Yas, do you see yourself there now?! I'm sorry I missed you out!

Thanks for the memories; either for making them or being a part of them.


Monday, 8 December 2008

I know, nobody knows.

I'll be on a one-week hiatus due to exams and other important events happening in this lovely month of December.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all who are celebrating =)

In case you've forgotten how I look like, here's a photo to refresh your memory.

Yes, my hair is long. I am not going to cut it despite the fact of my incessant whinings about wanting to snip it off. I kind of like my hair now. Photo taken by the irritating sidekick named Skizzy.

There. I credited you. Are you happy now?

Also, this has to be the MOST ADORABLE THING EVER. Ah, I love them both. So freaking cute, my kidney exploded. She's going to tackle JT. I'd like to see that happen. She's so adorable, I want to pinch her cheeks.

If I say that I'm on a hiatus, you would also know what this would mean.

You saw it coming, so don't complain.
(My mother didn't like me using this picture as my laptop's wallpaper and made me change it because apparently, this picture wasn't sexy enough and scared her. Hahaha!)

Wish me luck!

Friday, 5 December 2008

In this rush, we are crushed.

I thought that after six years, I have moved on.
Turns out, I'm still rooted to the ground.

I don't want to forget, but I don't want to remember.

I know I talk about this in almost a broken record manner, but it is how I feel.

At 15, all you ever think about are exams, zits, friends, boys, boybands, football, other girls to bitch about and trying to fit in and be someone of importance.

Not losing someone very dear to cancer.

If you know what the song Permanent is about, you would know why I skip it almost all the time it comes on my playlist. It's the same feelings I have about songs on the radio. You hear it for the first time, you claim it's your favourite song. The more the radio plays it, the more it loses meaning because now suddenly everyone wants to hear it.

I don't want that to happen to Permanent. I want the meaning to stay as what it's supposed to mean. A promise to be there until the very end.

I went to sleep and heard that song in my dream for three nights in a row. I dreamt I was at his grave, talking to him and kissing the tombstone. I felt hands holding my own, I looked up at saw it was him smiling back. I would wake up with tears and a wet pillow.

I never did cry when they told me he lost the fight, because, hey, I don't cry when someone dies and I don't cry when I'm at their funeral. That's just me. It's not like I don't feel anything. I feel sad, it's just that I don't go around showing my sadness by crying.

I cried a few days after the funeral for five minutes.

You might ask me "You're the girlfriend, aren't you supposed to be bawling your eyes out?".

Maybe I wasn't sobbing so much because I knew he wanted me to stay strong because the PMR exams were coming (he died a month before I sat for the exams). It's what he would've wanted. He has told me before that I was a strong person emotionally. He hardly ever saw me cry, maybe because it was hard to feel sad when I'm with him. He knew I wouldn't take bullshit from anyone, had a bad temper and beat boys up. Still, he stuck around because he believed that everyone has a good heart at the end of the day (my mother believes in that too).

Permanent, MCR's Cancer and even 5ive's Closer to Me never fail to make me think of him. These three songs never fail make me cry as well.

I wish you will still hold my hand even when I don't ask you to.
I wish you well.

This temporary thing we had, is permanent to me.

Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise that you’ll never see me cry.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Oh where I've been, sold and spun again.

My mother and I are now mocking people who go "You got see this or not?" all the time.
It's our new hobby apparently.

"You got see the taxi ah?"
"You got buy the paper ah?"
"You got eat or not?"

Half the time, the spell-checker in me would just like to proof-read things people send me. Somewhere in May, the daughter of my father's late best friend told me that she wrote the front page tribute to her father in the booklet they gave out during the prayers.

I came home and read it. I felt an urge to take my red Stabilo pen and circling the words that were spelt wrongly, but I waved it off since it's a tribute to her father and I shouldn't be such a pernickety cow.

Even when my brother spells something wrongly, I cringe. I even took the red pen and circled that word he incorrectly spelt. I pointed it out to him and he just stared at me.

Sometimes, when my father mispronounces a certain word, I have a bad habit of correcting him, which is something he absolutely detests.

Remember this lecturer of mine who claims that no one uses the term 'for your perusal' anymore because it's outdated and only used by royalty? Yeah, well, the e-mails she sends us are so full of errors, it drives me crazy.

I feel like drawing circles all over my screen looking at her e-mails! It's highly unprofessional of her to say we did a bad job on her assignments because of grammatical errors when she herself commits it!

Then, there are people hu spell lyk dis wich iz so irritatin.

Eh, please don't chat with me like that. I may start abusing my caps lock button in an attempt to scream at/flame you.

It's okay if you use abbreviations like WTF, LOL, LMAO, ROTFLMAO, OMGWTF, BRB and whatnots. I won't kill you.

Just don't spell lyk dis or lyk dat.

May, using sentences like "I can has cake and cookies too" with me is perfectly fine (because we like doing random crazy things like that together), to a certain degree. There's only so much I can take in a day.

I'm so annoying kan? I better shut up about spelling, sentences and pronunciations.

I went to see the ENT specialist today to find out if the acute peritonsillitis had gone down or gone away (because I missed eating normal food). He told me that the swelling has gone down, but also told me to come immediately if the problem crops up again (otherwise it would get worse and then pus will develop and then he'd have to do surgery to remove my tonsils...*shudders at the thought of surgery*).

For now, I am alright. I just hope the thing doesn't come back to haunt me. I don't like the thoughts of anaesthesia, surgery, and pus development in the throat.

Enough of my random rants. I promised May some pictures.

We needed this. Desperately.

This is what I have to say to you about some work I have yet to complete.

I saved the best for last. Becks looks like he has been Photoshopped into the photo. So unnatural. You're welcome, by the way.

You want to see my dress? Check your inbox OR please come home soon.

We've missed you.

My favourite song from the album has to be Avalanche. I just love it. Going to sleep listening to it and waking up to it for the last two days was just...bliss, simply because I had a smile on my face on those occasions.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

You're my cure.

Mother, I love you for being the person that you are: patient and understanding.

Father, I love you for being the one that gives me room to think logically.

Brother and sister, I love you for being there.

My father's trusty Ford Laser, I love you for being the vehicle that has been driving me around from the time I was conceived until present.

My house which is exactly a year older than me, I love you for keeping me safe and sound here.

My friends from kindergarten, school, university, and online communities I love you for having me as a part of your life and world.

My family friends and best friends, I love you for making me laugh at random things and keeping me sane just when I thought I'm losing my sanity.

My two dearly departed significant people in my life, I love you for making me realise that life is to be appreciated and fully lived up to.

My musical influences: past and present, I love you for making music, lyrics and rhythm a part of my life.

My cartoon heroes, I love you for providing a much-needed dose of comic relief in life.

The amazing authors I have had the privilege of reading the published works, I love you for providing me a mean of escaping reality when it gets too much.

The sports personalities I grew up with, I love you for the strength and determination you show to do your best.

The random ordinary everyday heroes I encounter daily, I love you for making my day just a tad bit brighter at times.

I am thankful for all these things. There may be more, but this is all I could remember for the timebeing.


Monday, 1 December 2008

He didn't stand a chance, they said.

You know you're getting old when kids complain to you saying that three theatre screens in a shopping mall are not enough.

When I was 5, there was only one movie hall. My first ever 'going to a movie theatre' moment was watching the first Aladdin movie in some part of Central Market.
I didn't even care if we only had one movie hall in that area.

We never truly are thankful for what we have, are we?

I have a picspam for you! People with slow Internet connection (I'm looking at you, May), you might want to skip this. I wouldn't want to kill you by making you wait for pics to load.

Patience is not my strongest suit. I am horribly impatient.

Strangely enough, when I had to wait 73 days for this album, I learnt that patience and I could be best friends after all.

So bloody worth the wait.


Inside the booklet.

(this is proof that I bought him HAHA)

Skizzy thinks this looks as demonic as the eye tattoo on his wrist. This is not so bad as compared with the eye tattoo, okay?

Track list.

Love. That is all I have to say.

Time of My Life doesn't fit with the rest of the album. Seriously, as much as I love magic rainbows and dancing leprechauns, this song feels a little out of place.
(The voice that captured America, OMG HAHAHAHA!)

May, if you can see this, I DID IT FOR YOU!

Short review/comment on the songs on the album.
01. Declaration: I love the song, it makes me want to dance or even scream along while I'm in the car.
02. Heroes: It is what it says it is. I've always said that my heroes are the random ordinary everyday people around me, and this song song echoes my sentiments to a T. Oh these heroes come and go, you're still standing.
03. Light On: My mother's favourite song (I'm only saying this because she knows how to sing this more than Crush). I remember getting all excited because "OMG NEW SONG!" but then, I don't feel a thing for it now. I don't like it, I don't hate it.
04. Come Back to Me: One of my favourites. I can imagine if this becomes a single, it would've have a weird yet cheesy theme to it. I don't know, lately I just find myself annoyed about predictable music video themes.
05. Life on the Moon: I love this song. I know it's about him and the whole Idol rollercoaster ride, but in our lives, we have come to a point in our lives where an event took place and changed you. This line "I'm alone in this crowded room" in particular, reminded me of my high school memories of being discriminated for having mixed blood.
06. Bar-ba-sol: You want a kind of rockstar swagger off the album? THIS SONG IS IT. The drums and guitar on this are just fantastic. This is the kind of song you want to play when you're pole-dancing or even thinking about stripping to (I am merely quoting my shameless Skizzy).
07. Mr. Sensitive: This song is about him. I wasn't crazy about this song at first, but after a couple of spins, it grew on me.
08. Lie: My favourite track right here. Really, really heartbreaking song. I don't mind if you wait before you tear me apart.
09. I Did It For You: I like the catchy chorus, but that's about it.
10. Avalanche: This song took a while to grow on me, I have to say I like it.
11. Permanent: I love this song so much I skip it almost every time it gets played. This song is personal to me and I find myself crying to it almost all the time (hence the skipping). I feel like the more I listen to it, the more I become emotionally attached to it and because of that, the song loses its meaning.
12. A Daily AntheM: I like. Would you sing my song at the top of your lungs?
13. Kiss on the Neck: Eh, what's this? Secret bonus track 8 minutes after A Daily AntheM? I love it! The song is full of swagger, that's why. May and I maintain that this song is about vampires. Skizzy thinks it's about someone else.
14. Time of My Life: I still act like a giddy school girl when I hear this song, no lie. However, like I said before, this song is so out of place among the other songs on the record. Feels a
15. Breathe Tonight [*Wal-mart bonus track]: May knows what I think of this song, therefore I will not say anything.
16. My Last Request [*iTunes bonus track]: The only song that saved me while waiting. It's Dave favourite song and he says it reminds him of me. Hmmm...

I should be studying instead of being here. Until later!

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