Monday, 22 December 2008

Mouth is alive, with juices like wine, and I'm hungry like the wolf!

Hello world, Skizzy the awesome Scouser here.

I've decided to take it upon myself to update this.

Woman aka Miss TTG will no longer be updating this little blog of hers, which means you will see more of the green fonts because I will be doing the honours of giving you little updates of her life. In a non-invasive way.

Girlfriend went to prom and looked awesomely pretty in make-up, which made us extremely proud because she's embracing the girly side of her. Please advise her against cutting her hair, tell her she looks nothing like Elen Rives with that hair (May, I am shooting daggers at you).

A few days after the prom, girlfriend went to play football with kids half her age. Along the way, she got cuts and bruises on her elbow, thigh, knee and left big toe. We simply cannot understand how is it a person can be all girly and dolled up one day and the next be all boyish and getting bruises all over the place. The mind baffles us.

On the weekends, girlfriend went for two birthday parties and met up with good old family friends who were slightly keen on her relationship status or what are the boys in her university like. "Rich, spoilt brats. Not my type", she claims. She was half-tempted to ask them "Are you going to set me up with a nice boy then?". On Saturday's function she wore a black Punjabi suit top, a pair of jeans and finally, a pair of Converse sneakers. A mix of the traditional and the modern. Classy.

She loves making fun of herself because that's how you live, love and learn.

On Sunday, she got into a conflict with her parents about a glass of wine in her hand. One highly encouraging, the other highly discouraging.
"Babe, if I drink, I'm screwed. If I don't drink, I'm screwed. What do I do?"
"Half-drink it, no harm done"

Uh, excuse me...stop stealing my lines. I came up with those quotes way before you did. I will sue your ass for plagiarism.

She was also asked if someone could buy her another drink. If he weren't drunk, she'd be totally convinced he was trying to hit on her. She also received a massive superego boost when another family friend claimed she is mature for her age and knows how to handle herself well.

What was that noise? Oh, that was me, rolling on the floor and laughing my butt off.

She is also a lousy liar. Someone asked if it was her first time drinking and she smiled sheepishly and laughed and nodded.
"Whiskey. Rum. Wine. Vodka. Did I leave anything out, liar?"

She wants to wish all of you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND SEASON'S GREETINGS.

Lots of love and kisses,
Skizzy the awesome Liverpool fan.


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