Tuesday, 2 December 2008

You're my cure.

Mother, I love you for being the person that you are: patient and understanding.

Father, I love you for being the one that gives me room to think logically.

Brother and sister, I love you for being there.

My father's trusty Ford Laser, I love you for being the vehicle that has been driving me around from the time I was conceived until present.

My house which is exactly a year older than me, I love you for keeping me safe and sound here.

My friends from kindergarten, school, university, and online communities I love you for having me as a part of your life and world.

My family friends and best friends, I love you for making me laugh at random things and keeping me sane just when I thought I'm losing my sanity.

My two dearly departed significant people in my life, I love you for making me realise that life is to be appreciated and fully lived up to.

My musical influences: past and present, I love you for making music, lyrics and rhythm a part of my life.

My cartoon heroes, I love you for providing a much-needed dose of comic relief in life.

The amazing authors I have had the privilege of reading the published works, I love you for providing me a mean of escaping reality when it gets too much.

The sports personalities I grew up with, I love you for the strength and determination you show to do your best.

The random ordinary everyday heroes I encounter daily, I love you for making my day just a tad bit brighter at times.

I am thankful for all these things. There may be more, but this is all I could remember for the timebeing.



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