Saturday, 9 February 2008

Maybe we're getting old.

You know it is weird to study about post-traumatic stress disorder on Tuesday and Wednesday, only for it to hit you in the face on Thursday and Friday.

The wife was inconsolable. Now all of us are just worried for her. We all are just worried she might just collapse after this. She is dependent on him for almost everything, especially now with the fact she ruptured some bones in her spinal cord a few months ago and now she walks around with a cast around her chest.

I wonder if I'll be like that if that were to happen to me. I just might.

It got me thinking. And I realised, I would not be strong enough to handle this. Regardless of how old I'll be when it happens...I know I won't be.

The father went again last night at about 10. I told the mother to tell him to come back early because I was afraid that some irresponsible alcoholic driver would be on the road and harm other people. I know I'm being paranoid, my dad drives safely, but in life you can't tell or predict when an accident is going to happen.

Life is unpredictable; one minute you're swimming in the glass bowl, the next you're swimming in a cat's tummy.

Today, the driver of the car came, and apparently he looked fine. Not a scratch on him. To escape such an accident (apparently, the car was knocked by a lorry and it swerved into a ravine and they were thrown out of the windscreen...but the story keeps changing so no one really knows what really happened) without having any injuries, it is a miracle.

People still want to speculate on what really happened. I still don't get it, why? Why would you want to play the guessing game? The man's gone, no explanation will bring him back. Unless you want to know the truth for closure, then I understand. But if you want to know it because you can finally pin the blame on someone, then forget it. There's no point.

Yes, I know it's sudden, but still. He's gone...just let his soul rest in peace. By prodding deeper and deeper into the cause, you're tormenting not only his soul, but also his family.

Have a heart and let him rest in peace.

This sounds so much like the initiation ceremony in Chelsea. Haha, Danny Cipriani singing Ride With Me would've been an interesting sight.

Oh yes, I forgot. Happy belated 22nd, Mathew Tait!

I swear if Brian Ashton doesn't put you on as a substitute this weekend, I will burn him. Haha, pyromaniac.

Come on England!

And argh, this news just pissed me off.

How on Earth can they do such a thing? First you say Didier's a liar. Then you say "Yes, we stripped him of the award because he refused to attend". What rubbish.

Don't make me bloody burn you people. Calling him a liar. Shame on you officials!

Maybe we're getting old.

Maybe we're just getting into it.

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Blogger Emma said...

Heya, am listening to the football match - ManUre are currently losing! yay!

And I did another slash:

Hope you like it. =D

I'm really worried that this pairing is gonna get old and people are just gonna start getting bored though...

10 February 2008 at 22:47  
Blogger Anodynous Roxy said...

@ Emma - Hey! Yeah, I had live updates thru text messages! I was out at a funeral service.

Ooh...shall read it! Don't worry, this is NOT boring at all, it's brilliant!

Love you!

11 February 2008 at 01:06  

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