I'll be the one you're falling over, everytime you laugh.
I just love that line. It makes me mushy in the inside.

The pic is aptly titled 'Monyet Face'. Haha, yes, I know. I just love those earrings. I've never tried them out in public! I have this strange feeling someone's going to yank it off from my ear like that. Yes, I'm paranoid, sue me.
Anyways, nothing much to say, so I'm going to do this questionnaire nicked from Aimee (yes, you can OFFICIALLY run around naked in your taman AND paint your mother's nails). Not tagging anyone, but feel free to do it!
1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be?
The Scouser, discussing Mikel and Xabi Alonso and other random things. Mar, just to tell me that she's back home in KL.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Of course I do! I even return the ones that people irresponsibly put away all over the place.
3. In a social setting, are you more a stalker or a listener?
Listener and stalker.
4. Do you take compliments well?
No. Apparently, I am modest and humble and godsent. I don't believe in any of the compliments I get. Very hard to tell who's being sincere.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
Yes. I do it all the time. During breaks, during lectures, during breakfast, during dinner, during lunch. I am a bloody Sudoku addict, and I'm better at it than my brother. I refuse to go out until my Sudoku puzzle is complete, worse still, I take it with me in the car and do it along the trip to wherever it is we're going.

*click to view larger pics*
Dungu of the universe. Cannot complete ONE 4-star Sudoku puzzle. Spot what's wrong with this puzzle and I'll give you a cookie.

Can complete TWO 5-star Sudoku puzzle in 20 minutes. In the moving car. WTF.
6. If abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
I highly doubt it.
7. What song are you listening to?
Makin' Out - Mark Owen. Bloody hell, I love this song. Such a deep meaning to it.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
9. What's your favourite game as a kid?
10. Are you single?
11. Could you date someone with different religious belief as you?
I can. I have.
12. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Tricky question. Both.
13. Use three words to describe yourself.
I can't cook. Hahaha!
14. Do any songs make you cry?
Closer to Me - 5ive. Yes, I know...this song is bloody old, but still, I have reasons of my own.
15. Are you continuing your education?
Yes, because I want to get out here.
16. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No, would love to though.
17. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grab?
A pillow or maybe the handphone, in case I need to bunk in at someone's home, I have to call them up first.
18. How often do you read books?
Whenever I am not tied to assignments or exams.
19. What is your favourite children's book?
Holes by Louis Sachar.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present and future.
21. What colour are your eyes?
22. How tall are you?
Apparently, according to my father, I'm tall enough to smell an elephant's ass (it's a stupid joke).
23. Where is your dream house located?
On a lake.
Okay, not logical. The dream house would be located somewhere in the Golden Triangle, because of my shopping needs.
24. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
25. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
Eh? Where's that?
26. Do you like mustard?
27. Do you prefer to eat or sleep?
Sleep, because I lack it.

When I lack sleep, I tend to be narcissistic and take very candid shots of myself.
28. Do you look like your mom or dad?
When I was younger, people said I looked like my dad because of the skin colour.

Uncle was camwhoring! Hahaha!
Now, people say I look like my mother because...don't know.

I know, I flash my teeth more than necessary.
29. How long does it take you to shower?
30 minutes tops.
30. Can you do the splits?
31. What movie do you wanna see right now?
32. What did you do for new year?
I think we watched fireworks, right after our usual dinner celebrations.
33. Do you own a camera phone?
Yes, though I only use it to take pictures of the brother and I eating with chopsticks.
34. Was your mom a cheerleader?
35. How many hours do you get at night?
Minimum 3, maximum 10 (this rarely happens).
36. Do you like Care Bears?
Only because my parents made me watch reruns to keep me quiet.
37. What do you buy at the movies?
Tickets. Popcorn.
38. Do you know how to play poker?
39. Do you wear your seat belt?
Yes, I'm a law-abiding citizen, that's what I found out today.
40. What do you wear to sleep?
41. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Errmm...Russell Watson performed at the SentulWest or somewhere there. I don't know-lah.
42. How many meals do you eat a day?
3. I don't eat supper or have tea-time breaks.
43. Do you always read Friendster bulletin?
Sometimes, because half the time it's filled with "FORWARD THIS OR ANNIE WILL COME AND KILL YOU TONIGHT". WTF.
44. Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny. Serious people make me scared as much as I'm afraid of soft-spoken people.
45. Ever been to LA?
Yes and I want to go back there and get my hair done again, and eat the best god-damn chapati and tandoori chicken there!
46. Did you eat a cookie today?
Yes, tonnes.
47. If I was the opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
48. At 10am this morning, I was...
trying on my new baju kurung.

A lot of people loved this baby. Thank uncle for picking this. Seriously.
49. At 10pm tonight, I will be...
either asleep or watching footie on the telly.
50. Who would be the next Malaysian Prime Minister?
Don't know-lah, don't think it'd be me anyway.
51. If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would...
ask him WHY?!
52. If I was a piece of a car, I would be...
the radio.

No doubt about that.
53. If I was told one day that I would have to give up either
1) anything chocolate OR
2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life,
which one will I give up?
The beach.
54. Singapore is good for...
getting all the top acts to perform.
55. If I could say only 3 words before I die, what would they be?
Oh. My. God.
56. Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with?
HAHAHAHA! I have loads of names to put in. But no, I don't want people to think I'm insane.
57. Die by drowning or fire?
Neither. I'd like to die by falling of a tall building.
Okay, I'd like to drown then die.
58. What is the single thing you will buy with your last RM 9.95?
Milo refill. The father conveniently changed my morning Milo drinks with Ovaltine. Uncle says Ovaltine's healthy. Uncle ah, angkasawan is promoting Milo okay? Must mean it's good.

Uncle ah, listen to the angkasawan, can or not? Give me back my Milo! *wails*
59. If I opened a night club, what would I call it?
The Bottomless Pit.
60. Don't cheat: What's "bulbous"?
Shape of a bulb? Right?
61. I think my ass is...
not flattering.
So yes, I am bored, you've seen pics of the things I did today. Now, go think of what I can do to lose weight.

The pic is aptly titled 'Monyet Face'. Haha, yes, I know. I just love those earrings. I've never tried them out in public! I have this strange feeling someone's going to yank it off from my ear like that. Yes, I'm paranoid, sue me.
Anyways, nothing much to say, so I'm going to do this questionnaire nicked from Aimee (yes, you can OFFICIALLY run around naked in your taman AND paint your mother's nails). Not tagging anyone, but feel free to do it!
1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be?
The Scouser, discussing Mikel and Xabi Alonso and other random things. Mar, just to tell me that she's back home in KL.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Of course I do! I even return the ones that people irresponsibly put away all over the place.
3. In a social setting, are you more a stalker or a listener?
Listener and stalker.
4. Do you take compliments well?
No. Apparently, I am modest and humble and godsent. I don't believe in any of the compliments I get. Very hard to tell who's being sincere.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
Yes. I do it all the time. During breaks, during lectures, during breakfast, during dinner, during lunch. I am a bloody Sudoku addict, and I'm better at it than my brother. I refuse to go out until my Sudoku puzzle is complete, worse still, I take it with me in the car and do it along the trip to wherever it is we're going.

*click to view larger pics*
Dungu of the universe. Cannot complete ONE 4-star Sudoku puzzle. Spot what's wrong with this puzzle and I'll give you a cookie.

Can complete TWO 5-star Sudoku puzzle in 20 minutes. In the moving car. WTF.
6. If abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
I highly doubt it.
7. What song are you listening to?
Makin' Out - Mark Owen. Bloody hell, I love this song. Such a deep meaning to it.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
9. What's your favourite game as a kid?
10. Are you single?
11. Could you date someone with different religious belief as you?
I can. I have.
12. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Tricky question. Both.
13. Use three words to describe yourself.
I can't cook. Hahaha!
14. Do any songs make you cry?
Closer to Me - 5ive. Yes, I know...this song is bloody old, but still, I have reasons of my own.
15. Are you continuing your education?
Yes, because I want to get out here.
16. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
No, would love to though.
17. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grab?
A pillow or maybe the handphone, in case I need to bunk in at someone's home, I have to call them up first.
18. How often do you read books?
Whenever I am not tied to assignments or exams.
19. What is your favourite children's book?
Holes by Louis Sachar.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present and future.
21. What colour are your eyes?
22. How tall are you?
Apparently, according to my father, I'm tall enough to smell an elephant's ass (it's a stupid joke).
23. Where is your dream house located?
On a lake.
Okay, not logical. The dream house would be located somewhere in the Golden Triangle, because of my shopping needs.
24. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
25. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
Eh? Where's that?
26. Do you like mustard?
27. Do you prefer to eat or sleep?
Sleep, because I lack it.

When I lack sleep, I tend to be narcissistic and take very candid shots of myself.
28. Do you look like your mom or dad?
When I was younger, people said I looked like my dad because of the skin colour.

Uncle was camwhoring! Hahaha!
Now, people say I look like my mother because...don't know.

I know, I flash my teeth more than necessary.
29. How long does it take you to shower?
30 minutes tops.
30. Can you do the splits?
31. What movie do you wanna see right now?
32. What did you do for new year?
I think we watched fireworks, right after our usual dinner celebrations.
33. Do you own a camera phone?
Yes, though I only use it to take pictures of the brother and I eating with chopsticks.
34. Was your mom a cheerleader?
35. How many hours do you get at night?
Minimum 3, maximum 10 (this rarely happens).
36. Do you like Care Bears?
Only because my parents made me watch reruns to keep me quiet.
37. What do you buy at the movies?
Tickets. Popcorn.
38. Do you know how to play poker?
39. Do you wear your seat belt?
Yes, I'm a law-abiding citizen, that's what I found out today.
40. What do you wear to sleep?
41. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Errmm...Russell Watson performed at the SentulWest or somewhere there. I don't know-lah.
42. How many meals do you eat a day?
3. I don't eat supper or have tea-time breaks.
43. Do you always read Friendster bulletin?
Sometimes, because half the time it's filled with "FORWARD THIS OR ANNIE WILL COME AND KILL YOU TONIGHT". WTF.
44. Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny. Serious people make me scared as much as I'm afraid of soft-spoken people.
45. Ever been to LA?
Yes and I want to go back there and get my hair done again, and eat the best god-damn chapati and tandoori chicken there!
46. Did you eat a cookie today?
Yes, tonnes.
47. If I was the opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
48. At 10am this morning, I was...
trying on my new baju kurung.

A lot of people loved this baby. Thank uncle for picking this. Seriously.
49. At 10pm tonight, I will be...
either asleep or watching footie on the telly.
50. Who would be the next Malaysian Prime Minister?
Don't know-lah, don't think it'd be me anyway.
51. If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would...
ask him WHY?!
52. If I was a piece of a car, I would be...
the radio.

No doubt about that.
53. If I was told one day that I would have to give up either
1) anything chocolate OR
2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life,
which one will I give up?
The beach.
54. Singapore is good for...
getting all the top acts to perform.
55. If I could say only 3 words before I die, what would they be?
Oh. My. God.
56. Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with?
HAHAHAHA! I have loads of names to put in. But no, I don't want people to think I'm insane.
57. Die by drowning or fire?
Neither. I'd like to die by falling of a tall building.
Okay, I'd like to drown then die.
58. What is the single thing you will buy with your last RM 9.95?
Milo refill. The father conveniently changed my morning Milo drinks with Ovaltine. Uncle says Ovaltine's healthy. Uncle ah, angkasawan is promoting Milo okay? Must mean it's good.

Uncle ah, listen to the angkasawan, can or not? Give me back my Milo! *wails*
59. If I opened a night club, what would I call it?
The Bottomless Pit.
60. Don't cheat: What's "bulbous"?
Shape of a bulb? Right?
61. I think my ass is...
not flattering.
So yes, I am bored, you've seen pics of the things I did today. Now, go think of what I can do to lose weight.
Labels: annoyed, happy, madness, mark owen, meme, memories, music, paranoia, pictures, random, ridiculous nonsense, self, silly parents, tag
i read everything.
but now all i can remember is TALL ENOUGH TO SMELL ELEPHANT'S ASS!!!!!!!!!!!
like wtf.
tell uncle he is very disturbing.
taking a break from running around naked to comment in my favourite twinnie's blog.
61 questions...
@ Aimee - Meh...of all the things you choose to remember.
Uncle always says that when he's trying to be funny with me. He's not funny kan?
Unlce is evil, he doesn't like the angkasawan, that's why he change my Milo to Ovaltine.
*sayangs you for coming by to comment*
@ Sylvien - Eh you...I said if you want to do, can do...why were you so eager to do it ah? I'm not GILA!
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