Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Some people.

Some random human being left me a message.
"Woman, I'm at HP Towers. Meet me at San Francisco Coffee"
"WTF you doing there?" I ask.
"Brother decided to get a new laptop and all so he came here. And after this, I'm going shopping with him and the wife, and the boyfriend"

So I met this annoying thing and she bought Extreme Mocha for me.
"So that you don't die of starvation or thirst". That was what she told me.

"Come, I want to see Xabi"
"His name is Arjen!"
"He's my godchild and I'll call him whatever I want"
"Who made you the godmother?"
"I self-appointed myself as the godmother"
*shows annoyed face*
"Cute wei your phone!"
"Like the owner"
*shows annoyed face*

Then she saw this.

"This is your wallpaper? WTF?"

And then, she saw this.

"This is your screensaver? WTF?"


Strange thing is, the other Liverpool fan said the same thing. =.="

Meh...what is wrong with you people har?

This morning, a Shih-Tzu entered my house. It looked so darn adorable. I wish we could keep it, but I am afraid of dogs and my mum does not like pets (except fish), and it looked so lost it kept running around us, it kept thinking we were its owner. Part of the reason why I was late for class today.

What is wrong with you people har? Don't love dogs, send them to the pound or something-lah or give them to people who'd care for them better than you would, not leave it to roam around my house and shit in front of it. Damn annoying okay?

Plus, it's a Shih-Tzu. Don't tell me you don't like the dog. It's better looking than a chihuahua anyway.

Poor doggie. I hope it's okay, wherever it is.

I hate Law.

No matter how good I am at it, I hate it.

If you'll excuse me, I'm a hungry sod. All I had for lunch was a chocolate muffin.

Bye bye.

P/S: I want to be the translator. Key-poh-chee tak best-lah.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

at last what happened to the anjing lah? you can keep what. then sell for 200 bucks HAHA


(btw. my school masuk finals for choir competition -.-" for some reason that i cannot explain)

14 June 2007 at 15:26  
Blogger Anodynous Roxy said...

@ Aimee - Don't know-lah. It just went away. So kesian.

Eh good-lah! Congrats wei! Despite all those complaints, you masuk finals. Woo-hoo!

For that, I shall...I don't know.

I know. I'll listen to MCR the whole day! Woo-hoo!

14 June 2007 at 15:44  

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