Tuesday, 29 April 2008

We are all innocent.

Okay. I just realised my classes are starting on the 12th of May and NOT the 5th.

If there's a time I should hide in a cave and never ever come out, it is definitely NOW.

To the eejit, I miss you. Can you please come home and save the Scouser's (so-called) sanity, as requested by her?

I had Lecka Lecka's Cookies ice cream yesterday =p

And I officially have weird friends.
"You know he said "It was a little strange to stare longingly into Lord Andrew's eyes" during Music of the Night right?"
"Yeah...and I am not liking where this is heading"
"I'd tell him: Yeah, I bet if I were to put Michael Johns in front of you, it'll be a lot easier on you, huh David?"


Stupid woman, you make me hate the fact I love you.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I've realised how pointless it is to paint my nails.

I mean, you have to put on another coat when it all comes off. And my nails grow quite fast (despite the constant biting). So I'd have to repaint it a gugillion times. Okay, not exactly but you get my point.

I'd rather dye my hair than paint my nails, to be honest. I only paint my nails with the transparent nail poilsh to prevent me from biting them. Seriously.

I am not girly enough for some people (not applying make-up, paint my nails and wondering what clip goes with my shoes), probably that's why I am still single. Haha, I'm happy with this current state of bliss.

Is there anything he can't do?

No, wait. Don't answer that.

Oh Curtis Stone loves rendang...tee-hee! Come to my house! My mother makes good rendang! Hahaha!
"Yesterday they had an article about that cook guy..."
"Huh? David was in the papers? How come I missed it? I don't remember seeing him in the papers"
"Curtis Stone! He's a chef, not a cook!"
"Cook, chef. Same thing. Don't have thoughts of your David Cook!"
"Not my fault you said 'the cook guy'...what was I supposed to assume!"

Oh God. David Cook. Curtis Stone.
Is there no end to this?

My favourite moment ever.

Okay, scratch that. This is my favourite moment. EVER.


I need to get away. I shall be off to get more toe socks (I seem obsessed with them, don't I?) and maybe, some boxers. Hey, they're comfy, okay. Shut up.

Currently listening to:
I Don't Wanna Cry - Jason Castro.

We can make a million promises, but it still won't change...

Can you tell I can't wait for Wednesday?

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