Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Can we just rewind?

Hello all. Today I am fasting therefore I shall refrain myself from swearing or being tempted by pretty boys. It seems to be working...but then stupid Xabi came along and played piano in my dreams. Xabi, DON'T CORRUPT ME DURING THE NEXT 23 DAYS!

I am feeling much better now.

So anyways, I'm sure the nutcase would've told you about the random things that happened to me yesterday. So I'll explain them further.

I only had ONE blonde moment. Not two as previously stated. Don't tell lies.

"You think when I start fasting, I'll lose weight?"
"Yes-lah! You always do right?"
"Yeah, but do you think I'd lose weight in the chest area?"
*rolls paper up and hits my head*

Okay. I'm going blonde.

And no, the security guard did NOT hit on me. He was being helpful, especially since I didn't know where the toothpaste was (eh, I actually did but he thought I was lost so he decided to help) AND he got me a basket when I was carrying tubs of yoghurt and a bottled yoghurt drink WITHOUT a basket (oh THAT was blonde moment number 2!).

Yes, I nearly got run over by a BMW too. We were about to cross the road and there was slow traffic, and the BMW slowed down. We decided to cross the road since the cars weren't moving, but the car in front moved a bit and the BMW was about to go forward. We stuck out our hands to say "Sorry but thanks for letting us cross" but the driver decided to speed up and nearly run us over. And he honked at us for crossing.

So, now it's a crime for us to cross the road-lah! Honestly, just because you drive a fancy car, it doesn't give you the right to honk at people who are going to the shop to photocopy notes because they are studying and that education they receive will take them somewhere. I bet he had to when he was in college. Then again I could be wrong.

People have no courtesy. What in the name of Peter Crouch and hash browns are the "Kempen Budi Bahasa" for?

And the nutcase got me an Arsenal book. For once she's NOT swaying me to be a Liverpool fan. With a nice poster of Tomas. From now on, he shall be referred to as Schnitzel.


Oh now that I've mentioned it...anyone wants a poster of Cesc Fabregas? You can have Arsene Wenger =p

Oh...and I hate myself for saying this but I cannot tolerate fickle people. You know, the ones who can't straighten out their priorities.

But then again, I am the ever patient and tolerant person who never says anything so I'm supposed to tolerate all this-lah right?

Dead wrong. I may seem quiet but I do mind it. If it's like once or twice, I can take it...but if you're going to be fickle ALL THE TIME, don't waste my time.

You can never win all the battles you fight.
How does it feel like to get a taste of your own medicine now?

Why am I so nice to people? It's not fake but it's just how I am.
Why am I answering my own question?

Sorry, I'm not fully awake yet. Oh seriously, a 1-1 draw? NOT HAPPY.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


I laughed so hard at that blonde moment I spat out my juice. Damn you.

Arsenal book! I don't want Arsene Wenger's poster! Schnitzel! LOL!

Honestly, it's just your nature to be nice. People should appreciate your niceness for a change. Fickle people get under my skin too, but we just deal with it.

Life's like that. Be nice to all who deserve your niceness, not everyone.

(1-1 is NOT good...the buggers cheated-lah WTF?! Am not happy either!)

19 September 2007 at 23:27  
Blogger Anodynous Roxy said...

@ Mar Adams - Xabi is evil. He should be banned for one month.

Honestly-lah...I wanted to know! If I could lose weight there, at least people would STOP looking and asking me what's my size.

I didn't expect her to get me that book, was expecting a Liverpool one so that I can steal Xabi and Nando (nutcase keeping all them pretty boys to herself, hmmph!)

Why you don't want Monsieur Wenger's one! Schnitzel so cute la...Rosa Schnitzel! Eh nice name! HAHAHA! Can use that name for our kid!

Why can't I be evil? Or not so nice to everyone I know! We deal with's like that and we're all gonna die.

One of these days I'm going to be the evil one.

(The buggers went diving-lah! NOT HAPPY!)

20 September 2007 at 01:17  

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