Friday, 24 August 2007


The blog will not be updated daily as usual, unles if there's something interesting to be blogged about.

It's not because I'm scared.

Well, actually I am scared.

I'm gunning for a B+ for my Business Law paper. Hopefully it will raise the CGPA a bit. And doing this paper makes me feel like a fish out of water.

Forget the fact she says I have a high level of maturity in my assignment. What's the point of having that for the assignment and not being able to display it for the final paper?

I am not self-doubting myself. I know what I can and cannot do. I hate when people tell me "You're smart, you can do it! There's nothing to it!" or the likes. Getting Bs or Cs doesn't warrant for such things.

Sure, it's not like I've failed or something, right?

Sure...go tell the parents that. See what they say.
"Other people's children can get As, why you cannot?"
**quoting the DiGi ad**

It's a similar scenario. Now my dad's quoting David Beckham and my neighbour's smart-ass daughter.
"They came back from a slump with a vengeance and proved others wrong"

**yes, my dad thinks Becks should be my role model, not JT**

Maybe I could use that for the second year. It might work.

So anyways, pray for me that I do well.
And here's to the second year.

I shall leave you with this conversation.
"This is Wembley Stadium!"
*looks at me*
"I want to go there!"
*looks at me and points*
"You study hard, get into a good university and then we can go to Wembley! At least once!"

Oh. All for Stamford Bridge and Wembley now.

Edited [8:40 PM]

I went to college just now to register my subjects, and there was a massive crowd (lots of people were there for the new HMC intake).

And I spotted this boy who looks so much like Paulo Ferreira, but slightly tanned. Which makes him VERY VERY VERY adorable! I couldn't take my eyes off him.

But he is too young. He looks as though he's barely legal.

I can see you smirking from here. I hate you, you bloody paedophile.

Why does he have to be underaged!!! *wails*


Fine, I shall shut up and run away to the arms of my Business Law textbooks now.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

twin ah! underaged paulo ferreira lookalike?? GO ASK FOR HIS NUMBER!

how often do you come across someone who looks like that har! he's in COLLEGE. the youngest he can be is seventeen, and that is CLOSE to being legal!

25 August 2007 at 20:35  
Blogger Anodynous Roxy said...

@ Aimee - Seriously! He looks like Paulo Ferreira (only thing he's tanned).

Cannot ask for number-lah. He looks so innocent, and I look...well...not-so innocent.

Plus, he's in the main block. I have to catch a bus to see him there!

Sigh...this is NOT fair!!!


26 August 2007 at 01:35  

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