Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Life's like that.

The thing that happened yesterday in Virginia Tech definitely left the world shocked. Then again, life's like that. Everyone dies. People in African countries have no food to eat and die of malnutrition. People in war-torn countries die because they either get bombed or shot and slashed.

Even here, people die because of mat rempits and ah longs. Or people die because they get blown up to bits.

What do we do about people around the world? We offer prayers and things they need.

But there are some people who just point a finger and generalise and say "xxx is bad, let's go kill them!"and that's how other innocent people get killed along the way.

The world is coming to an end, and I think it will come way before I set foot into Stamford Bridge. And that is incredibly sad.

I will not be watching Chelsea play tomorrow morning, because I have an exam tomorrow =(

I have not seen them play for the last three games (Valencia, Blackburn and tomorrow's game against West Ham). That is beyond sad.

So I think I'll post some nice pics of the people I love because I can't give them my love by watching them play tomorrow morning.

Firstly, I love Jose and Rui *shy face*.

Next, I love these two. I think they're secretly in love. I am NOT horny!

Then, it's them. DD and Petr.

More of Jose and DD.

More of JT and Petr.

Jose love.

Sheva being nosy is also lovable.

More of JTFL.

Haha. This pic makes me laugh. He's just so bloody adorable.

You people better win for my sake. I'm not risking my diet for you people, especially now when I have to sit for 2 MORE papers!

And I'm wearing my lucky shirt and shorts for your sake too!

Off to study now, and I'm going to listen to The Killers now.

I haven't heard Mr. Brightside in a long while.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics...
Ppl in Stamford Bridge are weird and funny...
I alwiz get to see funny pics of Chelsea players.
Hahaha....and lots of loving btw them too....

18 April 2007 at 21:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, where's Riccy? Don't you love him?

Oh you put that adorable pic of Sheva again! I heart you, woman!

Is JT nibbling Petr's ear?

The people in Stamford Bridge are gay!
*runs off*

P/S: Do you happen to have a lucky underwear and bra too?

18 April 2007 at 22:31  
Blogger Anodynous Roxy said...

Sylvien - Thank you. I have no other hobbies besides looking at silly pictures of my team. Haha.

They're just crazy. All of them are just beyond mad. But I love them very much =)

And I like crazy Chelsea players. They make me happy in a very strange way.

They love each other too.

Aren't they worth loving?

Lysa - I DO NOT LOVE RICCY! I just think he's a good player, I don't think he's good looking. The only good thing besides the fact he's getting better in Chelsea, is that he's skinny. Other than that, I certainly don't love him.

Knew you'd like that pic. It's just a little something for you, for helping me on Monday night, with the love theories and glucose and angiotensin stuff.

Me love you long time =)

No he's not! He's whispering something-lah! There's nothing wrong with being gay anyway. Stevie and Xabi are gay anyway. =P


Mahu kena tampar is it?

18 April 2007 at 22:43  

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