So hot out of the box.
I am wearing this for a wedding tomorrow. My new dress and my new boots.Talk about being ~pretty and ~edgy in the same sentence. I know I'm not pretty, but sometimes I like to attempt to be pretty.I tried the dress on with the boots and paraded them around in front of my mother and she said "YOU SHOULD WEAR THE BOOTS TOMORROW. YOU LOOK GREAT!".That made me feel good for some odd reason.As you can see, this is clearly a pointless post. Nothing much to say, other than Kris Allen is coming to town on the 8th of February. I want to go and hang out with my mates. It's good to know music unites and strengthens friendship. That's the power of music.
I'll be your shelter, I'll be your faith.
I know I didn't tell you I was going to Penang for the weekend.Anyway, I am home from sunny Penang with a glorious tan, expanded waistline, broader perspective, new shirt (you know you want to see my new Bon Jovi shirt from Hard Rock Cafe Penang), and a new song stuck in my head.It goes a little something like this:"It was an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini that she wore for the first time today"I swear it IS a song. Do I look like I can make things like that up?I didn't go to Penang for a vacation, to be honest. We did escape the chaos that happened on Friday, of course. If it weren't for Twitter, I would have NO idea on what happened in KL or various other places. If you know me, you would know my opinion on it.I actually went there to get an idea on what I would like to do in my future.I was torn between working at a center for children OR in a corporate setting. I hate working in a corporate environment, but the money is good. I enjoy working with kids because they're far more honest than you and me put together, but I sometimes lack patience and the money's not that fantastic.My dad has a friend he's known since his childhood/working days who has a daughter who is a child psychologist. When we met during their Christmas party, she told me I could come over to Penang and observe what she does.Why not? I needed to know what my work in the future would entail, so it would be an eye-opening experience to observe what she does.I really am grateful that I had this chance to do something like this. Not many people would get a chance like this, so it was a blessing.A few days ago, I actually wrote an entry concerning my fear of losing control. It's still saved as a draft.
Because I know what I want and how I am going to get it.If my mother hadn't insisted on my attending the Christmas party, I would still be stuck and confused about my life.If my father hadn't said 'YES' to the initial invitation to Penang, I would still be lost and very much confused.Thank you for caring enough about my future, even if people claim you're smothering me too much. They're not standing in my shoes to know how lucky I am to have you in my life.Suddenly, I am not that afraid of losing control as I used to be.
Would you sing my song at the top of your lungs?
Hello 2010, before I start you over, I'd like to go over my 2009.Ah. How should I do it? Survey-style, please. No one in their right minds would want to read my year in review paragraphs, because I ramble a lot.01. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?- I went camping!- I overcame my fear of knives.- I cooked dishes from scratch.02. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?I did (not as much as I originally wanted, but I did)! I only made two, but I might make a few more for next year since I'm going to start working/study again.03. Did anyone close to you give birth?My nephew, Ridz was blessed with a baby boy; while another nephew, Ammar was blessed with a baby girl. THAT MAKES ME A GRANDAUNT, YES. THANKS FOR MAKING ME SOUND OLD.04. Did anyone close to you die?My nephew Muadz. It makes me sad because he's a really nice kid, and Facebook keeps saying "Say hello to Muadz" on the right side of the page. =(05. What countries did you visit?I have only gone to Malaysia, sadly. I supposed to visit Thailand but uni people are made of fail when it comes to giving/announcing holiday breaks early.06. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?Money. Sleep. Sanity/common sense. Love.07. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?~January 25th - I got my wisdom tooth pulled out. There goes my wisdom and sanity.~May 12th - Video conference with David Cook. Now I know why he HATES mustard. I SPOKE TO HIM. HE IS AWESOME. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID.~June 26th/28th - The day Michael Jackson passed away, I got interviewed by the local paper and had my face plastered in the news two days later. My family and friends NEVER stop teasing me about this.~September 17th - The day stupid David Cook tweeted to me and said he LOVES Arsenal. FAIL.~October 6th - I turned 22 and had one of the best birthdays ever.~December 10th - Officially graduated from university.~December 19th - Karaoke good times with the MYWn girls and random convos with drunk old men.~December 20th - High school reunion.~December 25th - My two best friends who have been dating for 11 years got engaged. I set them up together in the first place.~December 31st - My parents' 30th wedding anniversary.Dates I can't recall - The days Carly, Brooke, Andrew*, and Neal replied my tweets.*Andrew replied my tweet when Chelsea lost to Man City, on air. I forgot Chelsea lost because of that. Haha.08. What was your biggest achievement of the year?Cooking. Graduating from university. Overcoming my fear of knives.09. What was your biggest failure?I got a little insecure at times.10. Did you suffer illness or injury?I had an infection on both ears in August/September. The occasional fever came and went in June and December.11. What was the best thing you bought?Um, my new phone. Or this new boots. Or this BIRD NERD shirt.12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?My parents, for sticking together and working things out with all the drama thrown at us.13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?I won't mention names because they know who they are.14. Where did most of your money go?Food and birthday presents.15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?Graduating from uni and talking to David Cook.16. What song will always remind you of 2009?A Daily AntheM - David Cook. Breathe - Ryan Star. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift.17. Compared to this time last year, are you:I. happier or sadder? Happier.II. thinner or fatter? I feel fatter, but people say I've gone thinner. So, um, I don't know?III. richer or poorer? Poorer.18. What do you wish you'd done more of?Sleep.19. What do you wish you'd done less of?Worrying about the small stuff. Procrastinating.20. How will you be spending Christmas?I was at home watching Christmas movies.21. Does not exist?22. Did you fall in love in 2009?Almost did, but no.23. How many one-night stands?Zilch.24. What was your favourite TV program?American Idol, Ugly Betty and Glee.25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?I wouldn't use the word 'hate' but Fernando Torres has been irritating me of late. It makes me want to smack his face.26. What was the best book you read?My Group Process text book. I am serious.27. What was your greatest musical discovery?Adam Lambert.28. What did you want and get?My boots.29. What did you want and not get?The Staedtler triplus fineliners set.30. What was your favourite film of this year?This Is It. Slumdog Millionaire.31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?I replied every call, text, e-mail, tweet and wall post on various places while completing my journal assignment; and then I went out for dinner with my family. I turned 22.32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?Less extended family drama.33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?I don't think it's changed much from what I had in 2008. I would say maybe a little ~edgier~.34. What kept you sane?Music. My best friends. Random texts. Coffee.35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?David Cook. Adam Lambert, Jose Mourinho, Slaven Bilic (or as May and I would say, the Neal Tiemann of football), Gianfranco Zola, Didier Drogba, John Terry, Frank Lampard and Jim Cantiello. Oh, I fancy Neal Tiemann too (two years ago I was all "EWW NEAL IS GROSS", but now I think he is awesome)!36. What political issue stirred you the most?Too many to mention.37. Who did you miss?Justyn.38. Who was the best new person that you met?The MYWn girls.39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:At some point in our lives, we have to face the fears we keep running away from.40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?"Breathe, just breathe. Let the life that you lead be all that you need"
That's all, folks! Toodles for now. If I'm not too lazy, I'll do a month-by-month review of 2009. I don't care if you get bored.