Wednesday, 26 November 2008

We'll all sing along.

Short update from me.

01. The album I have been waiting for the last 73 days is now in my hands. If you must know, I'm over the mooooooooooooon! I will talk about it soon enough.

02. I am currently having peritonsillitis. It is a dinosaur living behind my tonsils. Okay, fine, it's not. It's the inflammation of the area surrounding the tonsils. How the heck did that happen? Infection, says the doctor. Too much singing and talking, says the father. I can't talk, eat, chew, bite or swallow food without crying every single minute. At first I thought it was just the pain that was coming from my growing wisdom tooth, but the pain extended all the way to the left side of my throat and up until my jaw. It hurt really bad, I skipped dinner last night because I couldn't swallow or bite anything.

So now, my diet involves porridge, soup and water.

03. I had a burnout the last few days and kept having the same dream of meeting someone who has left me a long time ago. Every time I woke up from the dream, I find myself waking up in tears. I missed having good and beautiful dreams like that.

I'm going to get some rest now.


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