Monday, 1 September 2008

You drive me crazy, up the wall.

We saw a rainbow after the rain yesterday.

Wah...see, my wish for you came true!

Mock not the magic rainbow, my dear Skizzy.


We drew, got teased by KIDS about it (and I didn't even make fun of them when ManUre lost to Zenit, I'm just THAT nice!).

Oh well, one point is something better than nothing. Lest you forget, we are still on top of the table and we intend to stay there until the end of the season, thank you.

Can I also add that I love Juliano Belletti?

And bring Robbie Keane back to Spurs!


Guess what did I wake up to this morning?

Hungry Like The Wolf.


No doubt, I will die to that too.


I went out last night to a birthday party.

I got bullied by kids.
(I know, right? I let some kids pick on me, I FAIL)

They tried to get me to dance. I CANNOT dance to save my life.
(and Skizzy's right, they got nothing on our boys =p)

They tried to burst a balloon in my ear.
(I didn't want to end up deaf so I hid under a table, thank you)

Someone said I've put on weight.
(You always say that whenever you see me. Has it been that long since you've opened up your eyes to look out below?)

Some people said I look pretty and doubt that I am boyfriend-less.
(Well, I lied. I do have a boyfriend. He lives in my TV, phone and laptop...HAHA)
(Okay, fine. Bad idea for a joke. Stupid baby walrus. I am boyfriend-less purely by choice, thank you)

Someone offered me a job to volunteer at his center.
(That makes it two now. The first was from my brother's friend's wife)

Texting people in between made me blush profusely and giggle like a schoolgirl, prompting the whole "Who are you texting? Your boyfriend? Ooh..." conversation.
(Like I said, my boyfriend lives in my TV, laptop and...OH MY GOD, SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU LOONY WOMAN!)

I love my people.



Don't tempt me with sinful things.
(You are permitted to do so at night, thank you)


Currently listening to:

Pink - Aerosmith.

Love the song, not the colour.

Oh you already knew that?

-_-" I FAIL.


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