Thursday, 28 August 2008

I'm only happy when it rains.

We have three bathrooms in the house, right?

One is for my dad, one is for my mum, and the other one is for my brother and I.

Now that my sister-in-law is living with us, my parents said that the bathroom which I had the privilege to share with my brother before now belongs to my brother and his wife. I get to share the bathroom with my mother.

And today, my mother has chased me out of the bathroom we are currently sharing.

Seriously? I feel like a homeless person right now.


On the other hand, I bought a new watch to replace my dead silver watch (which, if anyone had the privilege to see how it actually looks like, was absolutely beautiful).

The whole ordeal of buying that new watch was like finding a needle in the haystack.

"I want it to be silver, there must be NO pink or gold. Not a round face, but sort of a squarish or rectangular-like face. I want a watch with big straps, not those tiny ones usually for ladies"

Oh my God. What the hell is wrong with you! You're buying a watch to tell you the time, not ordering your normal plate of fried rice to eat.
No cabbage, no eggs, no squid, no bean sprouts, no chicken liver, no cockles. Don't forget the extra sambal.

-.-" Stop being such a persnickety bitch-lah, OMG.
(I love you for teaching me that word 5 years ago)

"Seriously, let me know when you have a boyfriend. I want to give him a letter conveying my deepest sympathy for choosing you as his future spouse, you're such a freaking fussy cow!"

I can't help it, I just prefer those big square watches. Those small ones make my wrist even smaller. Contrary to popular belief, I do have rather small wrists for a baby walrus.

Pictures of random things shall be uploaded tomorrow.

My favourite time of the year is coming.

No-lah, not my birthday. That's happening in another *counts* 5 weeks from now.
39 days to be accurate, but really, who's counting?

It's time for me to fast.
*insert holy music*

Now everyone and their cats know that I am nowhere near holy.

That doesn't make me sanctimonious either, because as far as I know, there are people who are worse than me and sickeningly sanctimonious.

It's my favourite time of the month as I get to lose weight, because everyone and their cats also know that I am a baby walrus in the form of a human being.

What? Why are you giving me that look?

Didn't I already tell you I am not holy?


Blogger chelseaorange said...

baby walrus your head lah dont wanna layan you already

29 August 2008 at 00:14  

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